Thursday, March 15, 2012

Putting a Republican in the White House

As the Republican presidential nominee race unfolds, it pretty clear that a single nominee won't have wide enough appeal to become the next (Republican) president. CNN reports that the supporters of Santorum and Gingrich are essentially interchangeable, but will not support Romney. I suspect Paul's supports would go either way. For the Republicans to run a viable candidate against President Obama, the running mate will take on an importance seldom seen. I believe the strongest Republican position would be to field a Santorum/Gingrich ticket. The appeal combination (and combined electoral votes) just might do the trick. As the country's vice president, Gingrich would find time to really work the Congress as only he could be able to do. Let's face it, no matter what a candidate promises and feels is important, Congress will ultimately decide what gets done. In my opinion, Gingrich has the best chance of getting Congress to support the president's programs. As we've seen recently, unless one party can control both the Executive and Legislative branches of our government, gridlock sets in and no much will get done. Isn't it a dirty shame that Democrats and Republicans just can't put aside self-serving party politics to do what is good for America; to be patriots?! What a concept.

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