Saturday, March 10, 2012

Abortion and Birth Control

Let's plunge into a "social" issue that's emotionally charged and generally characterized by people talking past each other instead of trying to understand the real point. There is a fine line between "what I thing" and "what I think others should think and do." If I hold a belief or position on a subject, it's mine, all mine, and I don't expect others to influence others. I do hope, however, to cause thought and enhance understanding.

I personally don't believe in abortion and believe that human life begins at the moment of conception. That having been said, I also believe in the right of a woman to choose to terminate a pregnancy for a reason that only she knows. I would argue that Beethoven's contribution to music would have been lost forever had he been aborted for some very good reasons. In the end, however, the pregnant woman must make the decision. I would resist, however, the use of taxpayer funds to support abortion of any kind, leaving that issue to organizations which are privately funded.

The recent discussions on birth control amaze me. Again, any person should have the right to use whatever birth control method that is mutually acceptable to the partner. Like abortion, birth control is a personal choice that must be financed by the individual or, again, privately funded organizations. No one should be told to use birth control as no one should be forced to purchase it for employees, family members or anyone else. I cannot support the use of government funds in any way to prevent pregnancy.

In both above issues, we tend to exercise the "freedom" so often mentioned in today's political discussions. "Freedom" is essential and should be guaranteed, not financed, by government.

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