Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Religion - What It Is and Isn't

I have deep religious beliefs, most of which I keep to myself and try to practice them. If there were ever anything good that has spun totally out of control, it's "religion." It didn't begin with jihadists and won't end with them. Religion has almost always been an excuse for all things evil. Religion is truly a huge paradox. In the name of religion:

We sent Crusaders to conquer Middle Eastern peoples of another faith.

We fled to a new country (America) to escape religious persecution in England and promptly forbade the practice of any other religion than our own.

Members of the Ku Klux Klan went piously to church every Sunday with their families.

Mohammed created a catch-all religion, hoping to combine the religions of the world into one - Islam (great idea!). His dream has been twisted by religious fanatics who slaughter children, oppress women and stifle education, all in the name of Allah. Did he write Sharia Law?

We tortured and killed thousands during the Spanish Inquisition.

Many religions profess to be "Christian," but live their lives according to the teachings of the Bible's Old Testament - exactly what Christ said to forget as a blueprint for life.

Jews have elevated their religion to the status of a nationality, completely forgetting that their roots are in Palestine, just like so many Arabs. In many ways, they live the Cain and Abel scenario every day - brother against brother.

We burned supposed witches in Salem in the name of God.

Croatians have killed Serbians in the name of religious fervor and they both have attempted to wipe out Muslims in their countries.

Why are Ireland's Orange and Green aligned along religious lines and not political ones?

Henry VIII didn't like the divorce rules of his religion, so he founded another one.

Martin Luther deplored the corruption in his religion but, rather than fix it, founded his own religion.

In their fervor, religious fanatics often infringe on the good nature of others, even to the point of forcing themselves into homes during intense, door-to-door evangelism.

Some religions believe that heavenly salvation is available only to its members.

That there are so many varieties of religion, is actually a good thing. I believe that people choose their religion largely because of the level of ritual. Religious ritual covers a huge continuum from the most plain (nearly devoid of ritual) to the ornate, ritual-rich Byzantine, to the horrific ritual of the Satanists.

I believe that a good religion consists of one that recognizes the Natural Law within all of us and helps us follow it. Religion must pass the practicality test so it can be internalized, resulting in peaceful, tolerant, charitable, respectful, and understanding behavior. Religion shouldn't consist of "What I believe," rather "How I treat others." Religion must never be fanaticism. Anything taken to extreme runs the risk of becoming negative and destructive.

Unfortunately, perception is reality. To an Islamic fanatic, slaughtering children is acceptable behavior. To almost anyone else, it's abhorrant.

Perhaps religion can be summed up in the words of what is now called the Platinum Rule (vice Golden Rule): "Do unto others as they would have you do unto them." Please ponder these powerful words!

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